Influenza (flu) is a viral infection that can make people quite ill. It is not the same as a severe cold. People aged over 60 and people with certain medical conditions are especially vulnerable to serious illness, and it can sometimes even be fatal.
High-risk groups are invited for a free flu vaccine by their GP every fall. Anyone who would like to be protected against flu but does not fall into the high-risk group can get the vaccine for a fee at Travel Clinic Erasmus MC.
It is best time to get the flu shot every year starting in October. Once you have had your vaccine, it will take two weeks for your body to produce enough antibodies. You will be protected for about six months. This is why it is recommended to get the flu shot every year.
The flu vaccine costs €39,95. This includes the consultation fee. The costs will often be reimbursed if you have supplementary health insurance. Check your health insurance policy or ask your health insurer.
To make an appointment call +31 (0)10-704 5050 or use our online appointment system (in Dutch). Select the ‘Griepprik’ option and select the date and time that best suits you.
Read more: Symptoms, transmitting and prevention of flu